Here it goes, he trains 3 consecutive days I take it.
Day 1
Standing Calf Raises Sets Reps
3-4/ 10-15
Seated Calf Raises 2-3 / 10-15
Seated leg curls 3-4/ 10-15
Lying leg curls 2-3/ 10-15
Standing Leg Curls 2-3/ 10-15
Leg Ext. 3-4/ 10-15
Hack Squats 2-3/ 10-15
Leg Presses or
Smith machine squats 2-3/ 10-15
Day 2
Pulldowns to front 3-4/ 10-15
Pulldowns to rear 2-3/ 10-15
Seated Cable rows 2-3/ 10-15
Lateral Raises 3-4/ 10-15
Smith Machine
behind the neck presses 2-3/ 10-15
Bent laterals 2-3/ 10-15
Dumbell shrugs 3-4/ 10-15
Day 3
Chest Hammer strength incline machine 3-4/ 10-15
Dumbell bench presses 2-3/ 10-15
Cable crossovers 2-3/ 10-15
Alternate dumbell curls 3-4/ 10-15
Preacher curls 2-3/ 10-15
Single arm reverse pushdowns 3-4/ 10-15
Seated machine French curls 2-3/ 10-15
Hammer strength forearm machine 3-4/ 10-15
Wrist Curls 2-3/ 10-15
Reverse Wrist Curls 2-3/ 10-15
Twisting hanging leg raises 3/ 15-20
Machine crunches 3/ 15-20
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